Sambamurthy, N., Sánchez-Peña, M., Cox, M., McGee, E.O., and Main, J. (2016). Asian American Women Engineering Faculty: A Literature Review Using an Intersectional Framework of Race, Class, and Gender. In Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, PA, 2016.
Sánchez-Peña, M., Sambamurthy, N., Cox, M.F., McGee, E.O. and Main, J. (2016). The Factors Affecting the Persistence of Latina Faculty: A Literature Review Using the Intersectionality of Race, Class, and Gender. In Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, PA, 2016.
Cox, M.F., Main, J.B., and McGee, E.O., Sánchez-Peña, M., Sambamurthy, N., and Kim, J.S. (2017). Why We Persist: An Intersectional Study to Characterize and Examine the Experiences of Women Tenure-Track Faculty in Engineering. In American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, 2017.
Aldridge, J.L., Yoon, S.Y., Cox, M.F., McGee, E.O., and Main, J. (2019). Development of the Persistence of Engineers in the Academy Scale (PEAS ©). In American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, 2019 (pending).
Aldridge, J.L., Yoon, S.Y., McGee, E.O., Main, J. and Cox, M.F. Work climate for engineering and science faculty persistence. (2019). In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 49th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2019 (pending).
Peer Reviewed Conference Posters
Aldridge, J.L., Yoon, S.Y., Cox, M.F. Intersectionality in the development of the Persistence of Engineers in the Academy Scale (PEAS). In Association of American Colleges and Universities Ohio Project Kaleidoscope Annual Conference, Dayton, Ohio, 2019 (pending).
Conference Presentations
Hailu, M.F., Aldridge, J.L., Yoon, S.Y., Cox, M.F., Main, J. and McGee, E.O. (2019). STEM Faculty’s Perceptions of Climate for Persistence: Differences By Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Social Class. In American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2019 (pending).
Hailu, M.F., Cox, M.F., Main, J., and McGee, E.O. (2019). The Politicized Experiences of Women Engineering Faculty in Puerto Rico. In Comparative International Education Society, San Francisco, California, 2019 (pending).
Hailu, M.F. and Ridgeway, M.L. (2018). Reimagining Teaching and Learning Engineering: A Comparative Analysis of Public Universities in Ethiopia and the United States. In Association for the Study of Higher Education, Tampa, Florida, 2018.
Hailu, M.F., Ridgeway, M.L., Boyajian, R., McGee, E.O., Cox, M.F., and Main, J.B. (2019). An Investigation to “Pet to Threat” Phenomenon in Female Engineering Faculty. In American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2019 (pending).
Ridgeway, M.L., Hailu, M.F., Boyajian, R., Brockman, A., McGee, E.O., Cox, M.F., and Main, J. Wage Disparities in the Academy: Women of Color Faculty in Engineering Departments. In American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2019 (pending).