Meet the Vanderbilt Team

Ebony O. McGee

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor of Education of Diversity and Urban Schooling at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College and a member of Scientific Careers Research and Development Group at Northwestern University

Monica Ridgeway

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Academic Pathways Fellowship Program in the departments of Teaching and Learning and the School of Engineering



Phase 2

Research team members recruited WOC tenure-track faculty of engineering across universities in the United States. At this point, 53 WOC tenure-track engineering faculty have been interviewed, using one-on-one interviews and focus groups during 2016-2018. Participants were interviewed in person at their universities, national engineering-related conferences, and over the phone. The interview format was semi-structured, following a guiding list of questions, and audio-recorded. Interviews lasted from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours and were professionally transcribed.